Core and libraries
- Issue #4104 the delete history dialog has been completely rewritten. Now it contains an option that allows you to delete not only local history, but also server history, as well as history for all interlocutors (if the protocol supports it). "Hide from list only" option has been removed. You can hide contacts using the checkboxes in the Options → Contacts → Ignore.
- updated libcurl to 8.6.0.
- updated libssh2 to current development version.
- Issue #4149 updated OpenSSL to 3.1.5.
- updated SQLite to 3.45.1.
- updated tinyxml2 to 10.0.0.
- Issue #3939 it is no longer possible to unload a plugin if the corresponding core plugin is missing.
- Issue #3965 the sent file will no longer be deleted from the file system when the corresponding event is deleted from the history.
- Issue #4109 the list of groups and their settings are no longer stored in the database, they are now stored in groups.json file in the profile.
- Issue #4142 "Message deleted" message is now shown in the language of the active language pack.
- Issue #4166 the profile creation date in the profile manager is now formatted according to the operating system settings.
- Issue #4024 removed the ability to paste a dot into the profile name when creating a profile (the presence of a dot in the profile name causes problems).
- Issue #4085 removed invisibility settings (there are no protocols left that support selective invisibility).
- Issue #4126 removed "Visibility" extra icon.
- Issue #4017 clearing group chat history no longer leaves login/logout events in the chat log.
- Issue #4023 fixed incorrect processing of databases whose name contains .dat (example.dat.dat).
- Discord
- the protocol has been returned to the development version. It is still not in the stable version and we do not officially support it.
- added MFA (multi-factor authorization) support (SMS, TOTP, restore code).
- Issue #4091 channels that the user does not have access to are no longer shown.
- Issue #4089 fixed unwanted creation of channel copies during login.
- Issue #4090 fixed history storage in database.
- Issue #4092 fixed auto login at startup with StatusManager.
- Issue #4094 fixed incomplete loading of history from the server.
- Issue #4134 fixed inability to connect after interrupting the connection process.
- Issue #4159 fixed possible crash when guild member leaves.
- Facebook
- Issue #4102 fixed setting of unsupported statuses when changing the global status.
- Issue #2282 added support for deleting messages from the server.
- Issue #2324 added stickers support.
- added ability to forward message (only with NewStory message log).
- Issue #3758 added support for "Favorites".
- Issue #3934 added "Convert a message into a file transfer" context menu item for URLs (useful for converting old file transfers URLs to cloud files).
- Issue #3966 added ability to reply to a message (only with NewStory message log).
- Issue #3982 added group chat descriptions support (as a topics).
- Issue #3990 added support for receiving edited messages.
- Issue #4116 added "Invisible" status support.
- added support for "Delete for everyone" mode.
- Issue #3968 removed "Member since" and "Idle since" user info fields (not supported by the protocol).
- Issue #3810 fixed display of "Last seen" user info field.
- Issue #3938 fixed crash.
- Issue #3967 fixed display of "Online since" user info field.
- Issue #4080 fixed problems with encoding when loading server history.
- Issue #4102 fixed setting of unsupported statuses when changing the global status.
- fixed eternal cycle on group chat leaving.
- Issue #4042 leaving a channel with /part now automatically closes the message window.
- Issue #4162 search in the channel list now searches not only by channel names, but also by topics.
- Issue #4025 fixed display of nickname in the list of accounts in the account manager.
- Issue #4044 fixed unwanted automatic movement of the channel settings window to the background.
- Issue #4060 fixed crash after /part command.
fixes #4032 (IRC + Tabsrmm: User details windows is without information for IRC users) fixes #4047 (IRC: Some modes in topic column) fixes #4065 (IRC: Mode header sorting channel by number of users)
- Jabber
- added XEP-0319: Last User Interaction in Presence support.
- Issue #3793 added XEP-0440: SASL Channel-Binding Type Capability support.
- "Photo" user info page conflicts with AVS and thus will be displayed only if AVS is absent.
- Issue #4093 "Account" user info page for group chats no longer shows an error message about the need to connect to the network (instead, a message is shown indicating that there is no information in the vcard).
- "ver" and "softver" are now processed as different entities in caps.
- Issue #3973 fixed displaying the size of files received via HTTP File Upload.
- Issue #4054 fixed display of notes in contact user info.
- Issue #4114 fixed incorrect cyrillic file names in HTTP File Upload.
- Issue #4099 an expired token no longer prevents login, but will be erased automatically.
- Telegram
- added extra icon for bots.
- added "Leave chat" contact menu item for channels and groups.
- Issue #3947 added formatting support.
- added "Join"/"Part" events support for group chats.
- Issue #3992 added proxy support.
- Issue #4004 added sessions list.
- Issue #4013 added support for group chat entry and exit events.
- added support for reading typing notifications.
- added support for outgoing typing notifications.
- Issue #3958 messages about a new login now come in the language corresponding to the active language.
- Issue #3964 incoming replies now contain a link to the original message.
- Issue #3953 when you subscribe to a channel, service bots are no longer added to your contact list.
- Issue #3983 a chat from which the user has left is now immediately erased from the contact list, rather than hidden.
- Issue #3985 group chat role changes are now displayed in real time.
- Issue #4015 group chat restrictions are now applied in real time.
- Issue #4020 when you try to write to yourself privately from a group chat, your favorites now open.
- Issue #3952 fixed channel leaving.
- Issue #3942 fixed drag-n-drop file to offline.
- Issue #3954 fixed sending multiple files.
- Issue #3957 fixed duplication of contacts after import.
- Issue #3986 fixed display of roles when entering chat.
- Issue #3989 fixed handling of the event turning a chat into a supergroup.
- Issue #4010 fixed forwarding more than one message.
- Issue #4019 fixed chat name corruption when adding group chat to Miranda.
- Issue #4026 fixed display of group chat owner name.
- Issue #4048 fixed incorrect file saving path.
fixes #3994 (Telegram: new problems after adding to chat) fixes #4027 (Telegram: при входе в супергруппу в списке контактов появляются боты этой группы) fixes #4029 (Telegram: при покидании группы путём удаления контакта из базы, группа остаётся висеть в списке контактов серой) fixes #4028 (При смене языка на лету новые чаты перестают появляться в списке контактов) fixes #4043 (Telegram: problem with reply ids) fixes #3963 (Telegram: не удаётся скачать исходящую картинку, если файл стёрт)
- VKontakte
- added ability to reply to a message (only with NewStory message log).
- added ability to forward message (only with NewStory message log).
- added ability to forward any protocol messages to VK users (only with NewStory message log).
- added ShowReplyInMessage hidden option.
- updated VK API to 5.199.
- Issue #4022 removed the useless ability to invite yourself to chat.
- AvatarHistory
- Issue #4138 fixed crash when unloading plugin.
- Issue #4171 fixed avatars directory path.
- Clist_blind
- Issue #4078 many items from the contact list menu are duplicated in the group context menu, since the contact list menu can be difficult to get to. Some rarely used items (for example, "Exit") have been removed.
- Clist_modern
- Issue #4078 many items from the contact list menu (right-click on an empty space in the contact list) are duplicated in the group context menu, since the contact list menu can be difficult to get to. Some rarely used items (for example, "Exit") have been removed.
- Clist_nicer
- Issue #4078 many items from the contact list menu (right-click on an empty space in the contact list) are duplicated in the group context menu, since the contact list menu can be difficult to get to. Some rarely used items (for example, "Exit") have been removed.
- CurrencyRates
- added Exchange Rates API support.
- added Russian Central Bank Rates support.
- DbChecker
- Issue #4077 added Fix RTF text in old events option.
- Issue #4103 fixed incorrect behavior in service mode.
- Import
- Issue #3957 import no more creates useless Clist/MyHandle contact settings.
- Issue #4041 fixed crash when trying to import history into YAMNpseudo-contact.
- Jingle
- Issue #4174 fixed missing "Enable VOIP" option after loading the plugin.
- Msg_Export
- added export of user nicks in group chats.
- NewsAggregator
- Issue #3955 the newly added RSS feed now immediately has the "Online" status.
- NewStory
- Issue #3944 added "Show in folder" context menu item for cloud files.
- Issue #3978 the "Edit" context menu item is now shown only for your own messages.
- Issue #3991 the "Download" and "Save as" context menu items have been removed in chats where copying messages and saving files is prohibited.
- removed icons from templates (this significantly speeds up working with a large history). Now they are turned on and off by separate options.
- Issue #3948 clicking the scrollbar no longer causes unwanted scrolling.
- Issue #3962 fixed nearby messages disappearing when deleting a message.
- Issue #3979 fixed crash.
- Issue #3981 fixed display of the name of the author of an incoming message in group chats.
- Issue #3991 fixed "Copy text" and "Copy URL" context menu items.
fixes #3998 (NewStory: "Copy text" should strip green mark icon) fixes #3997 (NewStory: scrollbar does not appear when the window is reduced in size) fixes #4012 (NewStory: при редактировании переносы строк пропадают) for #4000 - offline files are marked read when shown in NewStory fixes #4006 (NewStory: crash when editing Jabber messages) fixes #3969 (Newstory: если доскроллить вверх до первого сообщения, то подгрузить еще сообщений) fixes #3996 (NewStory: scrollbar is broken again) fixes #4049 (NewStory: падение при открытии окна) fixes #3781 (Newstory: Problems with scrolling, and crash) fixes #4056 (NewStory: жестокие тормоза) fixes #4066 (NewStory: Новая проблема со скроллингом) fixes #3971 (NewStory: add animated smileys support) fixes #4068 (NewStory: Тормоза в поиске) fixes #4072 (NewStory: проблемы при работе в метаконтакте) NewStory: fix for slow Bookmarks window fixes #4073 (NewStory: новые тормоза, и даже креш) Import: JSON export code moved into the Import plugin to maintain consistency between export & import fixes #4087 (NewStory: расширить экспорт в json) fixes #4118 (no "Copy URL" menu item for downloaded files) fixes #4119 (NewStory: не вызывается поиск по Ctrl+F) fixes #4132 (NewStory: при открытии настроек плагина не прорисовывается интерфейс) fixes #4131 (NewStory: если водить мышкой поверх сообщения, которое редактируется, появляются глитчи) fixes #4140 (NewStory: удаление отдельных сообщений) fixes #3946 (Прогресс скачивания крупных файлов)
- Scriver
- Issue #3945 message input area is now hidden if the contact does not support sending messages (RSS feed or Telegram channel for example).
- Issue #3950 buttons that are not useful in the current mode will be hidden from the button bar (for example, text formatting buttons if the text input field is hidden).
- StdClist
- Issue #4078 many items from the contact list menu (right-click on an empty space in the contact list) are duplicated in the group context menu, since the contact list menu can be difficult to get to. Some rarely used items (for example, "Exit") have been removed.
- StdMsg
- added quote panel (useful for protocols that have a "reply" function, called only from NewStory).
- Issue #3945 message input area is now hidden if the contact does not support sending messages (RSS feed or Telegram channel for example).
- Issue #3950 buttons that are not useful in the current mode will be hidden from the button bar (for example, text formatting buttons if the text input field is hidden).
- StdUserInfo
- fixed Update button behavior.
- Issue #4127 fixed crash when opening metacontact user information.
- StopSpam
- Issue #3679 fixed Jabber message query overflow.
- StopSpamMod
- Issue #3679 fixed Jabber message query overflow.
- tabSRMM
- added quote panel (useful for protocols that have a "reply" function, called only from NewStory).
- Issue #3945 message input area is now hidden if the contact does not support sending messages (RSS feed or Telegram channel for example).
- Issue #3950 buttons that are not useful in the current mode will be hidden from the button bar (for example, text formatting buttons if the text input field is hidden).
- Issue #4007 "Paste and send" message area context menu item will be hidden if Enable "Paste and send" feature option is disabled.
- Issue #4081 Issue #4129 internal message log options are now hidden if a third-party log viewer is used.
fixes #4117 (В Options->Message sessions->Typing notify сделать местную галку "показать группы")
- Scriver
- added quote panel (useful for protocols that have a "reply" function, called only from NewStory).
- Toaster
- Issue #3941 added "Enable/disable popups" icon to the message plugin's status bar.
- Issue #4165 fixed missing text translation in the mail browser window header.
For developers
- added ability to mark contacts as read-only.
- second PROTO_INTERFACE::SendMsg parameter became a reply event id
- added DB::EventInfo::fetch — a function to renew event contents on the flow.
- added DB::EventInfo::unload — a helper to invalidate event contents.
- added EventExists — a helper to check the hookable event's presence.
- added DB::EventInfo.isAlertable — a helper to detect whether a SRMM window should be raised for an event or not.
PROTO_INTERFACE::OnContactDeleted to be able to block the contact's deletion MS_FILE_* services became useless since StdFile died DBEVENTINFO::hContact to be returned inside an event, no need to call db_event_getContact() just after db_event_get() DB::EventInfo::wipeNotify - useful helper to hide blinking event both from database & contact list CallContactService - useful helper exported from mir_app CCtrlMButton::SetTooltip extracted to the separate function newStr - simple helper for OBJLIST<char> Netlib: - NETLIBHTTPHEADER & NETLIBHTTPREQUEST obsoleted; - NETLIBHTTPREQUEST divided into MHttpRequest & MHttpResponse; - MHttpHeaders now manager headers both for MHttpRequest & MHttpResponse; UnregisterDatabasePlugin - a function to unload database driver on the flow Netlib_DownloadFile - chunk gatherer which writes down data directly to a file, without storing anything in memory json2file + file2json = helpers to load json from file and write it back the ancient atavism extincted: PROTORECVFILE structure with its own set of flags PS_GETNAME: another old atavism removed unknown piece of junk also removed another burst of fantasy... PS_EMPTY_SRV_HISTORY introduced for removing server history for a contact major atavism, PROTORECVEVENT, died with its own set of constants CCtrlTreeOpts::OnFillOptions - a callback to untie options filling from the dialog creation
CCtrlTreeOpts::OnFillOptions - a callback to untie options filling from the dialog creation