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Version: 0.96.1

Rev: v0.96.1

Released: 2 June 2022

Database migration: the current Dbx_mdbx database driver will be finally postponed and replaced with the brand new Dbx_sqlite driver.

You will get a message on startup This database is in the old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return. The conversion should be transparent, also the old database will be backed up. Though it seems reasonable that you make your backup of Miranda profile before the upgrade.

In addition, it is highly recommended to check (Main menu → Database → Check database) and compact (Main menu → Database → Compact) the database before updating.

You need to have Dbx_mdbx driver and Import installed, if not, an error message will point you to the given links.

Dummy protocol with custom Unique ID setting option should be imported manually after migration.

After conversion, the encryption of the database will be reset to standard, and the password will be removed. Remember to select your preferred encryption mode and set a password if required.

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