This is a list of available keyboard shortcuts in TabSRMM message window. Note that some of these hotkeys require that the message input area has the focus. Some others will also work when other parts of the message dialog are focused.
Tab key behavior
The Tab ↹ key should be considered a special key and there are some settings that can affect its behavior. Depending on Message sessions → Tabs and layout → Allow TAB key in typing area, Tab ↹ will do one of the following:
- Option disabled – it will switch input focus (standard windows behavior)
- Option enabled – you can insert tabulation characters when typing a message.
In group chats, Tab ↹ can be used to auto-complete a user name. This will only work when the message input area contains at least one typed character and the cursor is not at the beginning of the text. Pressing Tab ↹ will try to complete with the first matching nickname. If none matches, nothing will happen.
Esc key behavior
The Esc key can be configured on Message sessions → Tabs and layout. There are 4 different ways to choose from and control what will happen when you press Esc:
- Normal – close tab, if last tab is closed also close the window
- Minimize the window to the task bar
- Close or hide window, depends on the close button setting above
- Do nothing (ignore Esc key)
It is up to you what you select here.
Other useful ways to use the keyboard or mouse
- Move the mousewheel while the pointer is over the Tab Bar area to cycle through tabs.
- Multimedia keys like Browser backward or Browser forward can also be used to switch between tabs. This should work with all properly configured multimedia keyboards and most mice featuring extended button mapping.
- Clicking on the usermenu button (second button from the left) while holding the ⇧ Shift key will copy the UIN to the clipboard.
- Double-clicking a tab in the Tab Bar closes the tab.
- Clicking the middle mouse button on a tab in the Tab Bar closes the tab.
- Releasing the left mouse button when text is selected in the log copies the selected text to the clipboard instantly (needs to be enabled in Miranda NG under Options → Message sessions → General → Other options).
- Releasing the left mouse button when text is selected in the log and while holding the Ctrl key inserts the selected text to the message input area (plain text) at the current cursor position (may replace any selection in the input area).
- Releasing the left mouse button when text is selected in the log and while holding the Ctrl key and the Alt key inserts the selected text to the message input area (formatted text) at the current cursor position (may replace any selection in the input area).
- Holding the ⇧ Shift key while clicking the Sound Toggle Switch on the Status Bar applies the current state to all open containers.