User:Dart Raiden/Build Miranda: Difference between revisions

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Line 1: Line 1:
It is assumed that you have [ 7-Zip], [ NASM], [ Strawberry Perl], and [[Building_Miranda|Visual Studion 2017]] installed.
<pre style="overflow:auto;">
<pre style="overflow:auto;">
@echo off
@echo off

net session >nul 2>&1
reg query "HKU\S-1-5-19\Environment" >nul 2>&1
if NOT %errorLevel% == 0 (
if not %ErrorLevel% == 0 (
echo Run batch file with admin rights!
echo Please run as administator^^!
exit )
exit /b 1
set "unpacker=%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7zG.exe"
set "Configuration=Release"
set "Miranda=%ProgramFiles%\Miranda NG"
set "Vs=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community"
set "Msbuild=%Vs%\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
set "Openssl=D:\dev\openssl"
set "Path=%ProgramFiles%\NASM;%Path%"
set "Solution=bin15"
set "Sources=D:\dev\miranda-ng"

set sources=D:\dev\miranda-ng
set solution_dir=bin15
if exist "%Sources%\%Solution%\%Configuration%64" rd /s /q "%Sources%\%Solution%\%Configuration%64"
set configuration=Release
cd /d "%Sources%"
set miranda_path=%PROGRAMFILES%\Miranda NG
call cleaner.bat
set vspath=%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community
set msbuild=%vspath%\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe

call "%vspath%\Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd.bat" -arch=amd64 -host_arch=amd64 -no_logo -vcvars_spectre_libs=spectre
git --work-tree="%Sources%" --git-dir="%Sources%/.git" pull
:: or you can use something like tortoisegitproc /command:pull /path:"%Sources%"

cd /d "%sources%\%solution_dir%"
call "%Vs%\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64
if exist "%sources%\%solution_dir%\%configuration%64" rd /q /s "%sources%\%solution_dir%\%configuration%64" >nul
if exist "%sources%\include\m_version.h" del /q /s "%sources%\include\m_version.h"
call "%sources%\cleaner.bat"

call TortoiseGitProc /command:pull /path:"%sources%"
title Building TDLib...
"%Msbuild%" "%Sources%\%Solution%\tdlib.sln" /m /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release
if not %ErrorLevel% == 0 (
echo ********** TDLib build failed **********
exit /b 1

call "%msbuild%" %sources%\%solution_dir%\my.sln /m /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64
title Building Miranda...
if errorlevel 1 goto fail
"%Msbuild%" "%Sources%\%Solution%\my.sln" /m /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release
if not %ErrorLevel% == 0 (
echo ********** Miranda build failed **********
exit /b 1

cd /d "%sources%\%solution_dir%\%configuration%64"
title Building icons...
rd /q /s "%sources%\%solution_dir%\%configuration%64\Obj" >nul
"%Msbuild%" "%Sources%\%Solution%\my_icons.sln" /m /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release
for /r "%sources%\%solution_dir%\%configuration%64" %%i in (*.ilk,*.iobj,*.ipdb) do del /q /s %%i >nul
if not %ErrorLevel% == 0 (
for /r "%sources%\%solution_dir%\%configuration%64" %%i in (*.pdb) do move %%i "%sources%\%solution_dir%\%configuration%64" >nul
echo ********** Icons build failed **********
exit /b 1

call Taskkill /im Miranda64.exe /f
mkdir "%Sources%\%Solution%\%Configuration%64\Languages"
cscript /nologo "%Sources%\tools\lpgen\translate.js" /sourcelang:"russian" /release:"%Sources%\%Solution%\%Configuration%64\Languages\langpack_russian.txt"

if exist "%miranda_path%\Plugin Updates\Backups" rd /q /s "%miranda_path%\Plugin Updates\Backups" >nul
cd /d "%Sources%\%Solution%\%Configuration%64"
if exist "%TEMP%\Miranda_backup" rd /q /s "%TEMP%\Miranda_backup" >nul
rd /q /s Obj
xcopy /i /s /y "%miranda_path%" "%TEMP%\Miranda_backup" >nul
for /r %%i in (*.ilk,*.iobj,*.ipdb) do del /q /s %%i
for /r Icons %%j in (*.pdb) do del /q /s %%j
for /r %%k in (*.pdb) do move %%k "%Sources%\%Solution%\%Configuration%64"

cd /d "%sources%\%solution_dir%\%configuration%64"
Taskkill /f /im Miranda64.exe
for %%i in (exe,mir,pdb) do del /q /s "%miranda_path%\*.%%i" >nul
for %%i in (Core,Plugins) do rd /q /s "%miranda_path%\%%i" >nul
xcopy /i /s /y "%sources%\%solution_dir%\%configuration%64" "%miranda_path%" >nul
xcopy /y "%TEMP%\Miranda_backup\Libs\libeay32.mir" "%miranda_path%\Libs" >nul
xcopy /y "%TEMP%\Miranda_backup\Libs\ssleay32.mir" "%miranda_path%\Libs" >nul
xcopy /y "%TEMP%\Miranda_backup\libeay32.pdb" "%miranda_path%" >nul
xcopy /y "%TEMP%\Miranda_backup\ssleay32.pdb" "%miranda_path%" >nul
xcopy /y "%TEMP%\Miranda_backup\Plugins\historypp.dll" "%miranda_path%\Plugins" >nul

cd /d "%sources%\%solution_dir%"
if exist "%Temp%\Miranda_backup" rd /q /s "%Temp%\Miranda_backup"
if exist "%sources%\%solution_dir%\%configuration%64" rd /q /s "%sources%\%solution_dir%\%configuration%64" >nul
xcopy /i /s /y "%Miranda%" "%Temp%\Miranda_backup"
if exist "%sources%\include\m_version.h" del /q /s "%sources%\include\m_version.h"

start "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Miranda NG\Miranda64.exe"
xcopy /i /s /y "%Sources%\%Solution%\%Configuration%64" "%Miranda%"

title Building OpenSSL...
cd /d "%Openssl%"
git apply "%Sources%\tools\openssl\openssl-mir-changes.patch"
perl "%Openssl%\Configure" shared VC-WIN64A
for %%n in (libcrypto-3.mir,libssl-3.mir) do xcopy /y %%n "%Miranda%\Libs"
for %%n in (libcrypto-3.pdb,libssl-3.pdb) do xcopy /y %%n "%Miranda%"

echo ********** BUILD FAIL **********
:: dirty hack to prevent the app from inheriting elevated permissions
explorer "%Miranda%\Miranda64.exe"

exit /b 0

If your %miranda_path% is not on system partition, then remove :check_permissions function.
my.sln and my_icons.sln are my custom solutions.

Latest revision as of 01:16, 22 March 2024

It is assumed that you have 7-Zip, NASM, Strawberry Perl, and Visual Studion 2017 installed.


@echo off

reg query "HKU\S-1-5-19\Environment" >nul 2>&1
if not %ErrorLevel% == 0 (
	echo Please run as administator^^!
	exit /b 1

set "unpacker=%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7zG.exe"
set "Configuration=Release"
set "Miranda=%ProgramFiles%\Miranda NG"
set "Vs=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community"
set "Msbuild=%Vs%\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
set "Openssl=D:\dev\openssl"
set "Path=%ProgramFiles%\NASM;%Path%"
set "Solution=bin15"
set "Sources=D:\dev\miranda-ng"

if exist "%Sources%\%Solution%\%Configuration%64" rd /s /q "%Sources%\%Solution%\%Configuration%64"
cd /d "%Sources%"
call cleaner.bat

git --work-tree="%Sources%" --git-dir="%Sources%/.git" pull
:: or you can use something like tortoisegitproc /command:pull /path:"%Sources%"

call "%Vs%\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64

title Building TDLib...
"%Msbuild%" "%Sources%\%Solution%\tdlib.sln" /m /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release
if not %ErrorLevel% == 0 (
	echo ********** TDLib build failed **********
	exit /b 1

title Building Miranda...
"%Msbuild%" "%Sources%\%Solution%\my.sln" /m /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release
if not %ErrorLevel% == 0 (
	echo ********** Miranda build failed **********
	exit /b 1

title Building icons...
"%Msbuild%" "%Sources%\%Solution%\my_icons.sln" /m /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release
if not %ErrorLevel% == 0 (
	echo ********** Icons build failed **********
	exit /b 1

mkdir "%Sources%\%Solution%\%Configuration%64\Languages"
cscript /nologo "%Sources%\tools\lpgen\translate.js" /sourcelang:"russian" /release:"%Sources%\%Solution%\%Configuration%64\Languages\langpack_russian.txt"

cd /d "%Sources%\%Solution%\%Configuration%64"
rd /q /s Obj
for /r %%i in (*.ilk,*.iobj,*.ipdb) do del /q /s %%i
for /r Icons %%j in (*.pdb) do del /q /s %%j
for /r %%k in (*.pdb) do move %%k "%Sources%\%Solution%\%Configuration%64"

Taskkill /f /im Miranda64.exe

if exist "%Temp%\Miranda_backup" rd /q /s "%Temp%\Miranda_backup"
xcopy /i /s /y "%Miranda%" "%Temp%\Miranda_backup"

xcopy /i /s /y "%Sources%\%Solution%\%Configuration%64" "%Miranda%"

title Building OpenSSL...
cd /d "%Openssl%"
git apply "%Sources%\tools\openssl\openssl-mir-changes.patch"
perl "%Openssl%\Configure" shared VC-WIN64A
for %%n in (libcrypto-3.mir,libssl-3.mir) do xcopy /y %%n "%Miranda%\Libs"
for %%n in (libcrypto-3.pdb,libssl-3.pdb) do xcopy /y %%n "%Miranda%"

:: dirty hack to prevent the app from inheriting elevated permissions
explorer "%Miranda%\Miranda64.exe"

exit /b 0

my.sln and my_icons.sln are my custom solutions.