L10n:TabSRMM/HiddenSettings: Difference between revisions

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| disableVScroll = {{#switch: {{{lang|{{#var:PageLang}}  }}}
| disableVScroll = {{#switch: {{{lang|{{#var:PageLang}}  }}}
     | #default = If this value is present and not equal to zero, the vertical scroll bars on the message window text fields will be disabled. Scrolling should still be possible by using the mouse wheel or keyboard shortcuts. This is experimental and can cause problems with certain versions of the Rich Edit control. Also, loading a skin will override it, because skins have their own setting for scroll bar visibility. The setting works with the default message log only. This setting may require a restart of Miranda to take effect.
     | #default = If this value is present and not equal to zero, the vertical scroll bars on the message window text fields will be disabled. Scrolling should still be possible by using the mouse wheel or keyboard shortcuts. This is experimental and can cause problems with certain versions of the Rich Edit control. Also, loading a skin will override it, because skins have their own setting for scroll bar visibility. The setting works with the default message log only. This setting may require a restart of Miranda to take effect.
     | de =  
     | de = Wenn dieser Wert vorhanden und ungleich Null ist, werden die vertikalen Bildlaufleisten in den Textfeldern des Nachrichtenfensters deaktiviert. Das Scrollen sollte weiterhin mit dem Mausrad oder den Tastaturkürzeln möglich sein. Dies ist experimentell und kann bei bestimmten Versionen des Rich Edit-Steuerelements zu Problemen führen. Wenn Sie einen Skin laden, wird dieser auch überschrieben, da Skins eine eigene Einstellung für die Sichtbarkeit der Bildlaufleiste haben. Die Einstellung funktioniert nur mit dem Standardnachrichtenverlauf. Diese Einstellung wird möglicherweise erst nach einem Neustart von Miranda wirksam.
     | en = If this value is present and not equal to zero, the vertical scroll bars on the message window text fields will be disabled. Scrolling should still be possible by using the mouse wheel or keyboard shortcuts. This is experimental and can cause problems with certain versions of the Rich Edit control. Also, loading a skin will override it, because skins have their own setting for scroll bar visibility. The setting works with the default message log only. This setting may require a restart of Miranda to take effect.
     | en = If this value is present and not equal to zero, the vertical scroll bars on the message window text fields will be disabled. Scrolling should still be possible by using the mouse wheel or keyboard shortcuts. This is experimental and can cause problems with certain versions of the Rich Edit control. Also, loading a skin will override it, because skins have their own setting for scroll bar visibility. The setting works with the default message log only. This setting may require a restart of Miranda to take effect.
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| forceTaskBarStatusOverlays = {{#switch: {{{lang|{{#var:PageLang}}  }}}
| forceTaskBarStatusOverlays = {{#switch: {{{lang|{{#var:PageLang}}  }}}
     | #default = When running on Windows 7 and using the large task bar (aka "superbar"), TabSRMM will use overlay icons on the task bar buttons when appropriate. For example, things like typing- or message notifications are using overlay icons to indicate certain activity. By setting this value to 1, overlays icons are always enforced. If no special notification icon is to appear, status icons will be used as overlays. The setting is global for all containers. This setting has no effect when not running on Windows 7 or when not using the large task bar. Changing this value does not require a restart, but you must close and re-open existing message windows.
     | #default = When running on Windows 7 and using the large task bar (aka "superbar"), TabSRMM will use overlay icons on the task bar buttons when appropriate. For example, things like typing- or message notifications are using overlay icons to indicate certain activity. By setting this value to 1, overlays icons are always enforced. If no special notification icon is to appear, status icons will be used as overlays. The setting is global for all containers. This setting has no effect when not running on Windows 7 or when not using the large task bar. Changing this value does not require a restart, but you must close and re-open existing message windows.
     | de =  
     | de = Unter Windows 7 und unter Verwendung der großen Taskleiste (auch als "Superbar" bezeichnet) verwendet TabSRMM bei Bedarf Überlagerungssymbole auf den Schaltflächen der Taskleiste. Beispielsweise verwenden Dinge wie Tipp- oder Nachrichtenbenachrichtigungen Überlagerungssymbole, um bestimmte Aktivitäten anzuzeigen. Wenn Sie diesen Wert auf 1 setzen, werden Überlagerungssymbole immer erzwungen. Wenn kein spezielles Benachrichtigungssymbol angezeigt werden soll, werden Statussymbole als Überlagerungen verwendet. Die Einstellung ist für alle Container global. Diese Einstellung hat keine Auswirkung, wenn Sie nicht unter Windows 7 ausgeführt werden oder wenn Sie die große Taskleiste nicht verwenden. Das Ändern dieses Werts erfordert keinen Neustart, Sie müssen jedoch vorhandene Nachrichtenfenster schließen und erneut öffnen.
     | en = When running on Windows 7 and using the large task bar (aka "superbar"), TabSRMM will use overlay icons on the task bar buttons when appropriate. For example, things like typing- or message notifications are using overlay icons to indicate certain activity. By setting this value to 1, overlays icons are always enforced. If no special notification icon is to appear, status icons will be used as overlays. The setting is global for all containers. This setting has no effect when not running on Windows 7 or when not using the large task bar. Changing this value does not require a restart, but you must close and re-open existing message windows.
     | en = When running on Windows 7 and using the large task bar (aka "superbar"), TabSRMM will use overlay icons on the task bar buttons when appropriate. For example, things like typing- or message notifications are using overlay icons to indicate certain activity. By setting this value to 1, overlays icons are always enforced. If no special notification icon is to appear, status icons will be used as overlays. The setting is global for all containers. This setting has no effect when not running on Windows 7 or when not using the large task bar. Changing this value does not require a restart, but you must close and re-open existing message windows.
     | pl =  
     | pl =  
     | ru = При работе в Windows 7 и использовании большой панели задач (также называемой «супербаром») TabSRMM при необходимости накладывает значки на кнопкм панели задач. Например, такие вещи как уведомления о наборе текста или уведомления о сообщениях используют наложенные значки для обозначения активности. Если настройка равна 1, то наложенные значки будут применяться всегда. Если специальные значки уведомления отсутствуют, то в качестве наложенных значков будут использованы значки статуса. Параметр является глобальным для всех контейнеров. Он не действует, если операционная система старше Windows 7 или не используется большая панель задач. Изменение настройки вступает в силу без перезапуска, но нужно закрыть и заново открыть существующие окна сообщений.
     | ru = При работе в Windows 7 и использовании большой панели задач (также называемой «супербаром») TabSRMM при необходимости накладывает значки на кнопки панели задач. Например, уведомления о наборе текста или уведомления о сообщениях используют наложенные значки для обозначения активности. Если настройка равна 1, то наложенные значки будут применяться всегда. Если специальные значки уведомления отсутствуют, то в качестве наложенных значков будут использованы значки статуса. Настройка является глобальной для всех контейнеров. Она не действует, если операционная система старше Windows 7 или если не используется большая панель задач. Изменение вступает в силу без перезапуска, но требуется закрыть и заново открыть существующие окна сообщений.
| forceThemedToolbar = {{#switch: {{{lang|{{#var:PageLang}}  }}}
| forceThemedToolbar = {{#switch: {{{lang|{{#var:PageLang}}  }}}
     | #default = Render the toolbar using visual styles, regardless of other settings. Essentially, this will disable the colored gradients on the message window toolbar and paint a standard visual styles toolbar background instead. This setting is applied immediately at the next redraw, no restart or other action is required.
     | #default = Render the toolbar using visual styles, regardless of other settings. Essentially, this will disable the colored gradients on the message window toolbar and paint a standard visual styles toolbar background instead. This setting is applied immediately at the next redraw, no restart is required.
     | de =  
     | de = Rendern Sie die Toolbar unabhängig von anderen Einstellungen mit visuellen Stilen. Im Wesentlichen werden dadurch die farbigen Verläufe in der Toolbar des Nachrichtenfensters deaktiviert und stattdessen ein Standard-Toolbarhintergrund für visuelle Stile gezeichnet. Diese Einstellung wird sofort beim nächsten Neuzeichnen angewendet, ein Neustart ist nicht erforderlich.
     | en = Render the toolbar using visual styles, regardless of other settings. Essentially, this will disable the colored gradients on the message window toolbar and paint a standard visual styles toolbar background instead. This setting is applied immediately at the next redraw, no restart or other action is required.
     | en = Render the toolbar using visual styles, regardless of other settings. Essentially, this will disable the colored gradients on the message window toolbar and paint a standard visual styles toolbar background instead. This setting is applied immediately at the next redraw, no restart is required.
     | pl =  
     | pl =  
     | ru =  
     | ru = Отрисовывает панель инструментов с помощью визуальных стилей, независимо от прочих настроек. По сути, отключает цветные градиенты на панели инструментов окна сообщений и заменяет их стандартными визуальными стилями фона панели инструментов. Настройка применяется сразу же при ближайшей перерисовке, перезапуск не требуется.
| inputFontFix = {{#switch: {{{lang|{{#var:PageLang}}  }}}
| inputFontFix = {{#switch: {{{lang|{{#var:PageLang}}  }}}
     | #default = If you set this to 0, TabSRMM will no longer strip font attributes from the message input area font setting, so you can have bold/italic/underline fonts for the writing area. Be aware that this might confuse the formatting parser and using a bold font by default could lead to a situation where you will always send bold text to IRC channels. A restart (or at least changing a setting which will trigger a reload of all font settings) is required.
     | #default = If you set this to 0, TabSRMM will no longer strip font attributes from the message input area font setting, so you can have bold/italic/underline fonts for the writing area. Be aware that this might confuse the formatting parser and using a bold font by default could lead to a situation where you will always send bold text to IRC channels. A restart (or at least changing a setting which will trigger a reload of all font settings) is required.
     | de =  
     | de = Wenn Sie dies auf 0 setzen, entfernt TabSRMM keine Schriftattribute mehr aus der Schriftarteneinstellung des Nachrichteneingabebereichs, sodass Sie für den Schreibbereich fette/kursive/unterstrichene Schriftarten verwenden können. Beachten Sie, dass dies den Formatierungsparser verwirren kann und die Verwendung einer fett gedruckten Schrift standardmäßig dazu führen kann, dass Sie immer fett gedruckten Text an IRC-Kanäle senden. Ein Neustart (oder zumindest eine Änderung einer Einstellung, die ein erneutes Laden aller Schriftarteinstellungen auslöst) ist erforderlich.
     | en = If you set this to 0, TabSRMM will no longer strip font attributes from the message input area font setting, so you can have bold/italic/underline fonts for the writing area. Be aware that this might confuse the formatting parser and using a bold font by default could lead to a situation where you will always send bold text to IRC channels. A restart (or at least changing a setting which will trigger a reload of all font settings) is required.
     | en = If you set this to 0, TabSRMM will no longer strip font attributes from the message input area font setting, so you can have bold/italic/underline fonts for the writing area. Be aware that this might confuse the formatting parser and using a bold font by default could lead to a situation where you will always send bold text to IRC channels. A restart (or at least changing a setting which will trigger a reload of all font settings) is required.
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Line 31: Line 31:
| quoteLineLength = {{#switch: {{{lang|{{#var:PageLang}}  }}}
| quoteLineLength = {{#switch: {{{lang|{{#var:PageLang}}  }}}
     | #default = Specifies the enforced line length for the "quote message" function. When using the quote feature, TabSRMM will reformat the quoted text to this line length and add standard email quoting characters (>) at the beginning of each line.
     | #default = Specifies the enforced line length for the "quote message" function. When using the quote feature, TabSRMM will reformat the quoted text to this line length and add standard email quoting characters (>) at the beginning of each line.
     | de =  
     | de = Gibt die erzwungene Zeilenlänge für die Zitierfunktion an. Bei Verwendung der Zitierfunktion formatiert TabSRMM den zitierten Text auf diese Zeilenlänge neu und fügt am Anfang jeder Zeile Standard-Zitierzeichen (>) hinzu.
     | en = Specifies the enforced line length for the "quote message" function. When using the quote feature, TabSRMM will reformat the quoted text to this line length and add standard email quoting characters (>) at the beginning of each line.
     | en = Specifies the enforced line length for the "quote message" function. When using the quote feature, TabSRMM will reformat the quoted text to this line length and add standard email quoting characters (>) at the beginning of each line.
     | pl =  
     | pl =  
     | ru = Задает принудительную длину строки для функции «Цитировать сообщение». При использовании функции цитирования цитируемый текст будет переформатирован в строки указанной длины, а в начало каждой строки добавлены стандартные символы цитирования (>).
     | ru = Задает принудительную длину строки для функции «Цитировать сообщение». При использовании функции цитирования цитируемый текст будет переформатирован в строки указанной длины, а в начало каждой строки добавлены стандартные символы цитирования (>).
| subclassIEView = {{#switch: {{{lang|{{#var:PageLang}}  }}}
    | #default = When this is set to 1, TabSRMM will try to paint the borders around IEView. To make this work properly, {{Menu|Message sessions|IEview|General|Hide window border}} must be checked, otherwise you may see a double border around the IEView message log. This is totally unsupported and may cause serious troubles with certain combinations of Internet Explorer, TabSRMM, Windows, IEView and so on. Do not report bugs with that setting enabled, they will be marked invalid without further notice. If you experience strange behavior with IEView, like flickering, drawing errors or even crashes when opening a message window, you should immediately disable this option (delete the database value, restart Miranda).
    | de =
    | en = When this is set to 1, TabSRMM will try to paint the borders around IEView. To make this work properly, {{Menu|Message sessions|IEview|General|Hide window border}} must be checked, otherwise you may see a double border around the IEView message log. This is totally unsupported and may cause serious troubles with certain combinations of Internet Explorer, TabSRMM, Windows, IEView and so on. Do not report bugs with that setting enabled, they will be marked invalid without further notice. If you experience strange behavior with IEView, like flickering, drawing errors or even crashes when opening a message window, you should immediately disable this option (delete the database value, restart Miranda).
    | pl =
    | ru =
| taskBarIconAlpha = {{#switch: {{{lang|{{#var:PageLang}}  }}}
| taskBarIconAlpha = {{#switch: {{{lang|{{#var:PageLang}}  }}}
     | #default = Indicates transparency of avatars on the task bar. A value of 255 will make task bar avatars to be fully opaque, lower values can be used to make them more transparent in order to improve the visibility of the overlaid status icon. Task bar avatar will be updated to reflect the change at the next creation which usually happens when a message window is opened or the avatar changes while a window is open.
     | #default = Indicates transparency of avatars on the task bar. A value of 255 will make task bar avatars to be fully opaque, lower values can be used to make them more transparent in order to improve the visibility of the overlaid status icon. Task bar avatar will be updated to reflect the change at the next creation which usually happens when a message window is opened or the avatar changes while a window is open.
     | de =  
     | de = Stellt die Transparenz von Avataren in der Taskleiste an. Ein Wert von 255 macht Avatare in der Taskleiste vollständig undurchsichtig. Niedrigere Werte können verwendet werden, um sie transparenter zu machen und die Sichtbarkeit des überlagerten Statussymbols zu verbessern. Der Avatar der Taskleiste wird aktualisiert, um die Änderung bei der nächsten Erstellung widerzuspiegeln, die normalerweise auftritt, wenn ein Nachrichtenfenster geöffnet wird oder wenn sich der Avatar ändert, während ein Fenster geöffnet ist.
     | en = Indicates transparency of avatars on the task bar. A value of 255 will make task bar avatars to be fully opaque, lower values can be used to make them more transparent in order to improve the visibility of the overlaid status icon. Task bar avatar will be updated to reflect the change at the next creation which usually happens when a message window is opened or the avatar changes while a window is open.
     | en = Indicates transparency of avatars on the task bar. A value of 255 will make task bar avatars to be fully opaque, lower values can be used to make them more transparent in order to improve the visibility of the overlaid status icon. Task bar avatar will be updated to reflect the change at the next creation which usually happens when a message window is opened or the avatar changes while a window is open.
     | pl =  
     | pl =  

Latest revision as of 16:08, 24 May 2021
