
From Miranda NG
Revision as of 02:55, 15 October 2017 by Goraf (talk | contribs) (change settings to per-account settings)
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Setting Type Default Description
AlwaysOpenCaptchaInBrowser Byte 0 1 = Always open captcha in browser.
FilterAudioMessages Byte 0 1 = Ignore voice messages.
LoadFilesAsync Byte 1 0 = Disable asynchronous file downloading.
MaxFriendsCount Dword 1000 Maximum friends count.
ReqAuthTimeLater Dword 86400 Interval between "remind later" on friend request.
ShowReplyInMessage Byte 1 1 = The protocol itself will generate a message with a quote using BBCode.
ShowVkDeactivateEvents Byte 1 1 = Show deactivate events.
StickerBackground Byte 0 1 = Non-transparent stickers background.
StickerSize Dword 128 Sticker size.
UseCaptchaAssistant Byte 0 1 = Use Captcha Assistant service.
UseStandardUrlEncode Byte 0 1 = Use standard urlEncode for sent messages (more traffic consumption).
UseStikersAsStaticSmileys Byte 0 1 = Use static smiley packs instead of downloadable stickers.

Automatic, localized table with hidden settings of VKontakte plugin.