User:RMN/How to test translation easily

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Todo [en]: Needs re-writing in order to make style less unceremonious.

Let's imagine that you are a Croatian translator and you have already langpack_croatian.txt in your Miranda NG\Languages folder. But you want to update something and check it quickly if your translation fits nicely Miranda dialogs, and you're reluctant (or don't know how) to compile the langpack to do so.

Here's what you can do:

  • Create a test langpack_*.txt in your Miranda NG\Languages folder and name it differently, let's say langpack_hr.txt. Edit this new langpack_hr.txt, all it should contain is the following:
Miranda Language Pack Version 1
#include hr\=CORE=.txt
#include hr\Plugins\Actman.txt
#include hr\Plugins\AddContactPlus.txt
#include hr\Plugins\AdvaImg.txt
#include hr\Plugins\AdvancedAutoAway.txt
#include hr\Plugins\AIM.txt
#include hr\Plugins\Alarms.txt

and so on, include every plugin you need or want to test.

  • Create hr folder in your Miranda NG\Languages folder
  • Create Plugins folder in Miranda NG\Languages\hr folder

If you are Miranda translator, you surely have a local svn copy on your PC where you make changes before committing. Let's say you've done some changes and haven't committed them yet.

  • Copy file =CORE=.txt from trunk\langpacks\croatian to Miranda NG\Languages\hr folder
  • Copy *.txt files that you need from trunk\langpacks\croatian\Plugins to Miranda NG\Languages\hr\Plugins folder

All is left now is to open Miranda options Customize → Languages, select langpack_hr.txt from the drop-down list and click Apply at the bottom. Note that to see your changes, it is sometimes required to re-open Miranda options.