
From Miranda NG
Revision as of 22:10, 28 December 2015 by RMN (talk | contribs) (spelling)
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Accessibility improvements

It is desirable that arrows "→" should be escaped where possible for better accessibility. Here's the list of pages containing this character in context other than Miranda menu selections (and therefore template {{Menu}} is not used).

0. Situation not clear (kind of menu selection with hotkey as first item):

1. Menu selections of Firefox (?):

2. Menu selections of Windows (not Miranda):

3. Not menu selections (but Database Editor):

4. Not menu selections, rather mean "to ..." or "from ... to ...":

5. German pages with arrows marked as &# 8594;

  • IRC /de:
    • two of &# 8594; in context not clear (description of some sort of commands)
    • + menu selections preceeded by ";"

6. Russian pages where English menu selections in brackets follow Russian ones ({{Menu}} is not used on purpose):


<subpages />