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Filename HistoryStats.dll
Author Martin Afanasjew
Download links
Stable version: 32-bit, 64-bit
Development version: 32-bit, 64-bit

Creates detailed, colorful and highly customizable statistics using your message history.

Supported variables

If enabled, you can use several variables in your output file name and your folder for additional files. Variables referencing date/time values are taken from the date/time you generate the statistics. The following variables are supported:

Variable Description Example
%profile_path% Where your profile is stored (including trailing backslash) С:\Soft\Miranda NG\Profiles\
%profile_name% The name of your profile
%miranda_path% Location of Miranda32(64).exe (including trailing backslash) С:\Soft\Miranda NG\
%nick% Your nick (see Own nick for statistics option in the Output settings)
%h% Hour in 12-hour format without leading zero 1-12
%hh% Hour in 12-hour format with leading zero 01-12
%H% Hour in 24-hour format without leading zero 0-23
%HH% Hour in 24-hour format with leading zero 00-23
%tt% am/pm symbol in lower case am/pm
%TT% am/pm symbol in upper case AM/PM
%m% Minute without leading zero 0-59
%mm% Minute with leading zero 00-59
%s% Second without leading zero 0-59
%ss% Second with leading zero 00-59
%yy% Two-digit year without century 06
%yyyy% Four-digit year including century 2006
%M% Month without leading zero 1-12
%MM% Month with leading zero 01-12
%MMM% Abbreviated month name Jan, Feb, etc.
%MMMM% Full month name January, February, etc.
%d% Day without leading zero 1-31
%dd% Day with leading zero 01-31
%ww% Abbreviated day of week Mo, Tu, We, etc.
%www% Abbreviated day of week Mon, Tue, Wed, etc.
%wwww% Full day of week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
%% A single percent sign  %