LotusNotify | |
Няма выявы | |
Імя файла | LotusNotify.dll |
Аўтар | MaKaRSoFT |
Спампаваць | |
Стабільная версія: | 32-bit, |
Апошняя версія: | 32-bit, |
There is no 64-bit version of the plugin because there is no 64-bit Lotus Client.
There is no 64-bit version of the plugin because there is no 64-bit Lotus Client.
Паведамляе аб з'яўленні новых лістоў у базе Lotus Notes.
With version plugin uses Lotus API dynamically (Set PATH environment to Lotus Notes bins directory is now not required). If plugin can't properly load nNotes.dll that must be found in Lotus Client location (stored in HKLM/Software/Lotus/Notes/Path registry value by installer), plugin will not load.
- Unpack LotusNotify.dll to Plugins directory.
- Go to Plugins → LotusNotify page in Miranda options.
- Click try detect button – it will read settings from your lotus.ini.
- Enter your Lotus password into password field, then click autoregister button to add plugin as trusted in Lotus Notes.
- If you wish to open note in Lotus Notes Client by clicking it with left mouse button:
- Open Lotus Notes Client
- Open database that should be opened
- Open any document (Email)
- Go to tag <+> in document properties
- The link to this document can be found in identifier field in the form of notes://server/database/view/document (e. g. Notes:///C125709600375164/01D6C45C67A7DC98C3256C70004F4814/94FDCE1037A90037C125726C004795DD where server is not given)
- Copy the link to any text editor and replace its part containing document description with %OID% variable: notes://server/database/view/%OID%. In our example it will be Notes:///C125709600375164/01D6C45C67A7DC98C3256C70004F4814/%OID% (Plugin will replace this variable with note id)
- Paste the above composed link to "Left button click cmd" field in Miranda's LotusNotify options and leave "Command parameters" field empty.
- With version you can store your Lotus password in Miranda, and the built-in authentication lets Miranda connect to Lotus API without prompt for password. You need to set some options before use this feature:
- Open your notes.ini file (Lotus Notes installation folder) and add the following line (Also you can do it automatic with autoregister button in plugin's options dialog. If this option is checked, plugin verifies (depending on the given answer) if appropriate entry in lotus.ini exists and modifies it if required – every time it starts.):
- EXTMGR_ADDINS=lotusnotify
- or if EXTMGR_ADDINS line already exists, simply add new extension after comma e.g.:
- EXTMGR_ADDINS=someextension, lotusnotify
- Don't forget to set your Lotus password in plugin options!
- Now you can (if you need/want) set security option that I suggest to disable when answering the second question in the FAQ below.
- With version messages filter was added – for "Sender" and "Subject" fields (primitive spam remover). This function can be used to disable notification about Emails sent to yourselves (they are still new entries in Lotus Notes database).
- Could I keep Notes Client running on my machine or should it be closed?
- There's no problem with that I think (not yet :)).
- It always asks my password for id-file when it tries to check for Emails.
- This is Lotus Client security built-in solution, and it's possible to disable it (it decreases safety):
- It's somewhere like (have Polish Lotus client): menu File → Protection (or Security) → User protection → Basic security data (first tab) → "Don't ask for password in other Lotus Notes applications". If I find some other solution on Lotus API it will be updated. (And I found, see step 3 of installation instructions above).
- Miranda starts with the error saying that nNotes.dll not found. What is the solution?
- nNotes.dll is placed in Lotus installation directory, and Miranda has to know that. You can do it by adding in PATH (My Computer → Properties → Advanced → Environment variables → System variables) directory where Lotus exists (where nNotes.dll can be found).