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Nazwa pliku Facebook.dll
Autorzy Michal Zelinka, Robert Pösel
Wersja stabilna: 32-bit, 64-bit
Wersja rozwojowa: 32-bit, 64-bit
Inne: Smiley pack (with Emoji)
IEView template,

Zapewnia obsługę protokołu Facebook w Mirandzie NG.

Sometimes Facebook temporarily locks an account due to a suspicious activity or labels Miranda NG as some "malware who hacked an account". There is no solution at the moment. We need a developer who understands the MQTT protocol.

Główne funkcje

  • Dodawanie i wyszukiwanie kontaktów.
  • Wsparcie dla wysyłania próśb o znajomość, akceptowania i cofania znajomości.
  • Status Niewidoczny.
  • Powiadomienia o usunięciu Cię ze znajomych.
  • Wpisywanie statusu na Facebooku z poziomu Mirandy (wspiera publikowanie zarówno na własnej tablicy jak i na tablicy znajomych).
  • Odbieranie nowych powiadomień i aktualności z tablicy.
  • Pokazuje kontakty ze statusem "Na telefonie".
  • W połączeniu z wtyczką Fingerprint pokazuje następujących klientów Twoich kontaktów: strona internetowa, aplikacja Facebook, Facebook Messenger

Information about statuses

  • Online — connected to fb, chat is online.
  • Invisible — connected to Facebook, chat is offline, but you can still see other people online, receive messages, newsfeeds and notifications.
  • Offline — disconnected.


Problemy z logowaniem

  • Jeżeli nie możesz się zalogować w Mirandzie, to upewnij się, że możesz to uczynić w przeglądarce internetowej. Może to być jakaś (nieobsługiwana) kontrola dostępu lub błąd facebook'a.
  • Jeżeli w przeglądarce działa, a wciąż nie możesz zalogować się przez Mirandę, to spróbuj zainstalować wtyczkę Database Editor (zalecana ostrożność przy jej wykorzystywaniu) i usunąć klucz DeviceID w gałęzi Ustawienia/<wewnętrzna nazwa konta> (np. Facebook_1), a następnie spróbuj zalogować się ponownie.

"You need to clean your computer" error

This is a message from FB. This problem now affects more people. The solution is to login from any browser where you don't have saved cookies for Facebook (or just delete your Facebook cookies in your main browser), then the same error message will show up there and you will need to just go through the process.

While doing so, make sure you are offline in your Miranda and then delete DeviceID key (through the Database Editor in branch Settings / Facebook – or what the internal name of your account is). This value is actually a cookie which identifies a logged in user (device) – if you will keep the old one here in Miranda, Facebook will still think that this device is infected. Therefore, it is necessary to delete it before attempting to login again.

Reason of this problem is that Facebook probably changed some communication request again, so then it thinks that plugin works as a malware. Because of that it could also show captcha codes when sending links.

"Please try closing and reopening your browser window" error

Disable "Show wall posts (news feed)" option in protocol settings.

Ukryte opcje

Aby dodać/zmienić te opcje będziesz potrzebować wtyczki Database Editor.

Ukryte opcje dla konta
Ustawienie Typ Domyślnie Opis
Agent String


How to show stickers?

There are 3 ways to show stickers in your message window:

  1. Via SmileyAdd's "Custom smileys" – you need to enable it in FB account options, but it won't work very good:
    • it works only for single conversations
    • it works only for incoming messages
    • it works only occasionally – somehow it just won't show anything, I'm not sure why.
    • it works only on newly received messages, it usually won't show historical stickers for history messages (after Miranda restart).
    It's bad because of how it is implemented in SmileyAdd. Could be improved in future, but it must be done on SmileyAdd's side.
  2. Via IEView:
    • you need to use (or create) IEView template that has javascript code for transforming URLs to images/thumbnails (here)
      • as image URL is also shown in sticker message, you don't need some special template to work with stickers, as templates usually transform all URLs to image thumbnails (but of course you can use special code only for stickers)
    • this won't work in group chats, because IEView is not supported there.
  3. Via custom smiley pack
    • you need to prepare own smiley pack:
      • define [[sticker:123456789]] as smiley string (with different numeric IDs) and attach wanted image (manually download it)
    • you will see only stickers defined in your smiley pack (but as classic smileys = will work all the time)
    • you can also send stickers (by sending the above mentioned string as whole message – without other text).