Miranda dbx_tree database driver

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This page is a translated version of the page Miranda dbx_tree database driver and the translation is 14% complete.
Miranda dbx_tree database driver

Název souboru Dbx_tree.dll
Autor Michael Kunz

Tento plugin se již nevyvíjí. It is replaced by dbx_mmap.

Ovladač databáze Mirandy s pokročilými funkcemi.

This database driver has a different structure compared to existing databases. It was developed to provide some additional features but the development stopped after basic functionality had been implemented.


  • Split database – Data is split into two files. Global settings and private data (like contacts, login data and history) are separated.
  • Memory managment – The database is capable of managing its free space. DbChecker isn't needed for minimizing file size.
  • Metacontact support – Provides basic functionality for contact management (in alpha state).

Planned features

  • Encryption – The database can be encrypted with selectable algorithm on three different levels.
  • Virtual contacts – Duplicate a contact and move it to different groups.
  • Virtual database – Run Miranda from a read-only directory or drive without missing any functionality. You can also suppress unwanted changes this way.
  • Virtual events – Dbx_tree may save events into file only at your command.