BASS interface

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Plugin:BASS interface/pl
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This page is a translated version of the page BASS interface and the translation is 50% complete.
BASS interface
Brak zdjęcia
Nazwa pliku BASS_interface.dll
Autor tico-tico
Wersja stabilna: 32-bit, 64-bit
Wersja rozwojowa: 32-bit, 64-bit

Wtyczka interfejsu Un4seen's BASS dla Mirandy NG. Pozwala na wykorzystanie dźwięków nie tylko w formacie .wav lecz także .mp3, .ogg itp.

Plugin requires folder Plugins\BASS containing bass.dll and other *.dll libraries for decoding various file formats (e.g. bass_aac.dll, basswma.dll, bassflac.dll ...) downloaded from Un4seen's BASS homepage.